Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Decadent Party or Steal This Book? Happy New Year.

My heart goes out to everyone this year. May times only improve. Let's work together to build a world where we make decisions based on LOVE. Let's never forget Hurricane Katrina and its victims. In these times of great floods, people in wheelchairs should never be told to sink or swim. Love your neighbor, love yourselves. To a new year, a new president, a NEW NEW DEAL. A new thought.

May 2009 serve as a baptism, a forgiveness for our mistakes and misgivings. Start anew and forgive those who have betrayed you, as well.

Go ahead. Breathe, gasp for air. For we nearly drowned in a sea of greed. Now we can reach out to each other, to those in need of a hug, a meal, a job, or a ride to safety.

May you all find a way to emotionally prosper and reach closer to finding your purpose on this earth. Peace. Sara.


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