Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Brighter Day Will Come

MC Yogi Rocks the Hizzy. Tooting my Obama horn one more time.
Obama '08 - Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.

Obey the Force, Martha! Book Cover Blog Design Inspiration

Smashing Magazine 's attempts to artistically inspire me never disappoint. I love to look but my fingers only touch keys, not paint or oogly googly clay and slime. Don't get me wrong. I love to roll around in mud and pick my boogers barefooted. But after sitting in a desk for 12 years, my mind won't allow my hand to draw anything but alphabetic letters. I still have the desire to create and writing always seems much safer than art.

Look at my blog and guess what kind of grades I made in art. When in doubt use phallic imagery. Luckily, writer people and artist people, through our unconventional and "non-business" passions, seem to find common ground. Our work both taunts and inspires us. Check out these book covers. Ponder the colors, fonts, images, layouts and styles. Who knows, they may help you decide on a blog design. Your blog IS your book. Images, textures and colors make them all the more enjoyable to read.

Secret: We're actually the "real business people." And every person should satisfy that urge to create. Blogs grant us permission. Go write, create, learn and share. GO! What a powerful technology. Artists, writers, readers, and all who still believe in the liberal arts.... We might have an advantage. Joining forces is "A good thing." (little Martha Stewart in there!) Luke... Do not resist the progress. Click on the book for more Smashing eye candy!
Excellent Book Covers and Paperbacks | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine

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